@Azure, I feel like a I really shouldn't bother to validate that with a reply, but I'll do it anyway.

What you're talking is not encouragement. You aren't encouraging people to not smoke. You're extorting them. It's force. You're locking someone up, taking away their freedom, because they chose to exercise their freedom.

Smoking weed isn't idiotic, like you say it is. The benefits outweight the negatives, as I've argued in this thread.

Also, in many cases, marijuana isn't inferior medicine. Shit that works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. Case in point; morphine. That's why medical marijuana's out there - to provide alternatives.

edit:@Cow, because your explanations were countered by my explanations. If you've ran out of points to argue then perhaps it's time to stop arguing.
Last edited by Turtlenecks; Jan 18, 2013 at 04:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Turtlenecks View Post
edit:@Cow, because your explanations were countered by my explanations. If you've ran out of points to argue then perhaps it's time to stop arguing.

What? No you just stopped replying to me...

You just randomly changed the topic when I posted that.

Do you advocate the deregulation of all controlled substances and objects?