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Improve my Textures - 100k + Hydra trail full set
Current artists working




Sup people, basically what I'm looking for is someone to refine what i have already. I really like the theme i have made however it is very basic. I have a full texture set and have been working on it slowly but now i have reached the limits of what i can do.

For example: The black lines i have around my "mouth" are gagged and kind of lame. Actually all of my diagonal lines suck. [I suck at paint, 128x128 is hard]

Iv gone for plates of gold armor on a green mesh with tox camo lines(that are lame, please remove) on the armor and Vamp highlights on the head, hands, feet and going down the arms and legs.

Gaining definition on the armor plates and or moving them about and adding new ones would be ace. I like functionality, so having them appear to be connected to the joints is paramount. Features such as scratches, screws, dents, scuffs would be awesome.

I want to keep the face as it is, mainly the eyes and mouth positioning. Its me after all. Improving the armor on the mask is fine and changing the other areas of the head will also be fine.

General upgrade on the armor in this area. The bottoms of my shins are off center and i cant get them spot on. I honestly would like that area changed completely but still retain the "boot" feel they have atm. I also cant find a way to subtly integrate the Vamp down the legs.


I want to have armor on them and I enjoy the lines down the corners but again i cant seem to get it to look good. Oh, mind and subtly integrate the Vamp down them to. I also enjoy having my name on the right bicep.

Hands & Feet
I need totally new hands and feet as currently i have textures on them but they are just all red . If possible i would like armor on the back of the hands with red fingers and armor on the tops of the feet with red soles.

I will be willing to pay 100k plus a full hydra trail set to whomever gets what i mean and can produce the results I'm looking for.

umm... i cant seem to get the pics to show in the post....

Ps:I used gimp2 to make these textures. The green mesh is made by using the fill tool with the leather pattern, then painted tox.
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Ern (37.7 KB, 18 views)
Last edited by Ern; Aug 27, 2008 at 08:42 PM.
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
OK then ill ask him

i mite try it

zomg ur textures r aweosme
Last edited by RDC; Aug 21, 2008 at 08:41 AM.
JaCk Is BaCk
Originally Posted by Ern View Post
I will be willing to pay 100k plus a full hydra trail set to whomever gets what i mean and can produce the results I'm looking for.

lol im on it.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
ill try but i just failed and screwed up ill give up and say

good luck to all .i would love the 100k!! and hydra trails but i failed
Last edited by RDC; Aug 21, 2008 at 11:28 AM.
JaCk Is BaCk
k, update:

im just reworking your set so it has a cleaner and generally more professional look to it... not really gna do anything fancy to it, just reproduction...
two things though... the toxic glare thing on the metal? eish, no guy...
and why orc background?

-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Haha, I knew an extra 80k would get someone busy. Cheers Ben

Creating these textures has been a long process for me. The Tox on the metal came from my last set were i was Tox + Rad all over, but reverted back to gold and Vamp and wanted to retain some Tox.

Feel free leave out the "camo" marks of the armor. plain gold will be just fine

I like what your doing man, just the kind of thing im after. Think you can pull off the hands and feet to?
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
aye, got some nice ideas for the hands, feet have never been my strong point, but theyr not really a focal point on most sets cus of how the quality gets killed...
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
aye,..understandable. If you can manage the impression of closed fists for the hands and on the feet a toe cap + soul would be ace.

Basic looking or no iv seen them about and don't mind a bit of squishing and expanding.
Last edited by Ern; Aug 21, 2008 at 03:21 PM. Reason: I Smoke to much
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo