Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Beeh View Post
Well, in short terms, alzhiemers is where you forget a lot of stuff, and even forget what you're doing.

happens to evrey one

do you know that when someone small is coming, the first thing he will ask fore is the computer, and then no matter what, you keep telling him:"the computer is broken, im fixing it or im doing homework" and then this little kid tells his momy, so you try folling here two (not working) so you just say ill give it to him in 30minuts, only 5minuts past and he starts hitting you, you like give him a kick (child in the air, woot), then this idiot starts crying, so you try to shut his mouth, moms coming...
Last edited by riyadmls; Aug 21, 2008 at 11:52 AM.
Stopped playing
God, sometimes i go in a thread just to forget what the heck i was about to post >.>

Also, sometimes in school, i'm like, sitting down, cruising around in my own mind...
And suddenly it's like, *Poink*, what the heck did the teacher talk about in the
last ten minutes? Then i sit there and try to remember, and shortly after i get
lost in my mind again... Tiredness does weird things y'know.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol