Develop would've been the better word for me to use, rather than identify. Experiences develop traits.
As for you assuming I haven't done any research into the topic, I have. What I said regarding the abundance of case studies and papers on the topic for both sides is valid, you just ignored that point because you know that too. But, instead of just accepting that and moving on, like anybody over the age of 15 would, you act like a dick and berate me.
You shouldn't decide "Oh, I've got nothing to add? I'll just harass him".
Originally Posted by
I swear to god Turtlenecks and Cow are always looking to prove eachother wrong. It is always entertaining.
Funny thing this time though, is that we actually agree on the topic. We both think it's probably a combination of our experiences (nurture) and genetics (nature). I don't know why he decided to come on all agressive with this one, but I'm not just going to roll over and let him swing his dick around.
Last edited by Turtlenecks; Feb 3, 2013 at 10:40 AM.