Originally Posted by misterMAT2 View Post
What's your real name? : Dj
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : 3rd Dan Black Belt
How long have you been playing? :1 year
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB?:Whats this suppossed to mean i think it means infractions so answer is No
Current Country / GMT? :Spain in the summer in the USÇ/GMT +1
Former Clans? :Quantum
Why you left/got Kicked:I left because it was dieing
Any Skills For the Clan?(Provide Proof) :well i used to be good at art but quit making art.
How active are you forum-wise? :7/10
How active are you In-game? :9/10
Any Bans? :No
Any recent major infractions?:Well somoene was acusing that i stole his set but i made this set
Any Alts? :yes
If you have alts, list them here:djonfire29 is my alt and its a black belt
Did anyone refer you?:No
Will you follow the Rules?:Yes
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) :Well im 15 i like playing games i play various games i like listening to rap or dubstep music and that about it.
Draw what Ethereal Means to YOU! (Gimp/MS paint/Photoshop):
