Original Post

Yep, you got it right.
I nudged myself down, he said "wtf faggot," I said "lol wut" and muted him, was about to unmute him but he left and came back and said "abuse your power more, fag" and left.
I find this a bit mean.
Can you do anything to this?

EDIT: Sorry for bad quality picture, accidentally saved it as .jpg.
I don't think he did. He was just inactive.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
I'm pretty sure I got kicked to the bottom of the list, hence the swearing. I apologize for it, anyhow. Asharaf, what makes you think I'm showing off/ acting like I'm better than you? I don't get it.
Lol? you thought YOU got kicked to the bottom of the list when it clearly states "Tonakai nudged down"? What the fuck sort of eye disorder do you have?
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
I have blurred vision as the result of a car accident. My left retina was almost completely detached but still, I'm sure of what I saw.
Blurred vision or not, you don't need to go and flame people if they do something a bit bad to you, which is actually right... The server is its owner's own server, so he/she can do anything with it (though, going too mean isn't forgivable), and you can't. So, better just take your punishment kindly and wait until it ends besides of flame the punisher and get a longer/harder/brutalier/deeper/sexier/higher punishment.

Shall this be a lesson to you.