Massive Auciton Hurry Many Items
Very Good Stuff to buy at a cheap price
Not a scam check my account
Rules: I have the right to refuse
I Choose when they sell
When this whole thing ends
Cheaper Noob Items at the bottom
If you buy-out send the tc first
ENDS September 1,2008
Titan Blood
20k Start
1k Raise
35k Buy-out
Current Bid:
Titan Grip
1k Start
200tc Raise
2k Buy-out
Current Bid:
Amythest Relax
10k Start
1k Raise
20k Buy-out
Current Bid: RAYclovis Bought out 20k
Dragon Timer
6k Start
1k Raise
10k Buy-out
Current Bid:
Dragon Grip
2k Start
1k Raise
8k Buy-out
Current Bid:
Bronze Secondary Gradient
1k Start
500tc Raise
3k Buy-out
Current Bid: shadowmage 1k
Aqua Hand Trails
400tc Start
100tc Raise
1300tc Buy-out
Current Bid: jakebb44 400tc
Radioactive Leg Trails
1600tc Start
100tc Raise
3k Buy-out
Current Bid: xFlame 1600tc
Marine Gradients(both)
200tc Start
50tc Raise
500tc Buy-out
Current Bid: jakebb44 200tc
Start Buying!!!!
Last edited by LRG; Aug 28, 2008 at 04:14 AM.
Reason: Massive Auction Hurry Many Items