Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[s] Amethyst stuff

Looking to sell them all together, if not that, the prices are:
Blood: 4.7k
Torso: 4k
Force: 4k
Ghost: 2k

Accepting TC only
Looking for around 14k, least I will take is 11k. (Looked at the lowest market price for each item and dropped 1k from each, so the deal is good.
(Also giving a free marine relax and torso to whoever buys for 15k)
Last edited by Aracoon; Feb 26, 2013 at 09:34 PM.
force 1.5k
i can haggle
its 5k n market
Last edited by Luke5815; Feb 26, 2013 at 10:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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I'm not selling them individually.
Just for around 15k all together, haggling is accepted for that as long as you don't make stupid offers.
I could drop to around 12k o:
Last edited by Aracoon; Feb 26, 2013 at 08:43 PM.
amythest 1.4k
nvm cancel my offer
Last edited by ultimation; Feb 26, 2013 at 08:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3
Hunter primary gradient and shaman secondary gradient for the amethyst?
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
will you sell them in pieces
force for my deactive
to make your job easy there are 140 sets in it
Last edited by Luke5815; Feb 26, 2013 at 09:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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Depends on the offer, but I'm really just looking to sell them all and get around 14-15k :3 which is a good deal either way.
I just bought them all recently and I get bored with colors easily so I'm selling them.
Kind of a waste of tc now that I think of it but oh well.
Last edited by Aracoon; Feb 26, 2013 at 09:12 PM.
No thank you. Not interested in marketing much.
Best deal I could give you for all of them is 12k, but I'm really not going any lower than that.