Original Post
[Tex] I'm makin a head, yo!
Quite long since I've made anything... So, here's a wip of something I'm working on.

Concept will get more and more apparent as I progress.

Wip 1

Wip 2


Wip 4 - Fixed eye position, have to re-work "awkward" teeth.

Software is: Adobe Illustrator Cs6
Tools: Wacom Bamboo Tablet and a Mouse.
Last edited by Fenris; Mar 2, 2013 at 01:55 AM.
try raising the eyes slightly
i know most people position them dead centre, but theyr wrong.
the bottom line of the eye or eye socket should be on the centre line, whichever one looks right.
otherwise you end up with a massive forehead and trying to fit the rest of the head into a tiny space. never works out.
eyes are also quite large atm, even bigger than dengue makes them. Maybe its just my oppinion, maybe just too big, not sure on that part.
compare it to other heads that have decent mapping.

would also do something about the pixelation on those outline things.

otherwise nice work sofar
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Hmm, thanks!

The "the bottom line of the eye or eye socket should be on the centre line" was a bit unclear though
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
The "the bottom line of the eye or eye socket should be on the centre line" was a bit unclear though

just meant you should raise it a bit, like i said, youve ended up squasing the mouth in under the nose.
the mouth is in the right place, but the bottom of the nose/nasal cavity is too close to the mouth, so raise the nose and eyes a little bit

the red line is the centre line of the texture. move the bottom of the eyes (blue line) to the centre line.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-