Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[PROP] Trial Membership?
Hey guys,

TheJFX posted something in the applications topic which gave me this idea. How about after somebody is accepted, we put him into a special trial period where we'd check if he's "DP material", that is, a constructive member of our little society. If he's not, auto-kick.
Seems like something we already sorta do, but it'd be fine to give a name to it.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
I piloted this a while ago. Didn't really work out that well, or rather was just wasted time. If we simply let the person in anyways and made sure they were active, it would be just the same as a 'trial', and the trial would be discouraging to prospective applicants anyway.

If there's more to the trial idea I'd like to hear it, but if it's as simple as monitoring a member closely and seeing if they're active, it may just be extra work that has more downsides than benefits.
I think that it can encourage even more the inactivity, or even worse, the false activity. People will post a lot, thinking that will make them be accepted. They probably will spam. Or maybe, a dude will do some good posts and when he gets accepted, he disappears from the forums.

P.S.: I did this once ago. And my plans just got thrown into the trash lol.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
The way ynvaser pitched it to me was this;
We create a second clan, called [DPcadet] or something equally hideous.
We advertise that clan in game as the only way to join DP, and we recruiter people into that clan to train in different mods etc. After a predesignated amount of time, we allow them to take a test that would allow them into DP.
Active (and sociable) members of the current DP would take a small group of these cadets to train and monitor until they feel they are ready to enter DP.

We essentially cast a larger net than we otherwise could, and hopefully by doing so catch more minnows.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
Originally Posted by TheJFX View Post
We create a second clan, called [DPcadet] or something equally hideous.
We advertise that clan in game as the only way to join DP, and we recruit.

Active (and sociable) members of the current DP would take a small group of these cadets to train and monitor until they feel they are ready to enter DP.

We essentially cast a larger net than we otherwise could, and hopefully by doing so catch more minnows.

^^ second clan blah blah etc
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
I want Death Plague to carry more weight in Toribash in general. The way we currently operate just doesn't reflect how we are an important oldschooler clan. Look at RelaxAll, Urban and the like. When players see one of their members ingame they shit bricks, and weep for an autograph. Hell, we are older than some of the big clans today (I remember JollyR being inofficial the same time we were, for example).
The best way to do this is to filter people. Now since we don't have the luxury of a huge quality manpower pool to draw from like the others, we have to recruit a lot of people to filter from, but that didn't work out too well the last time either (we got watered down), so to avoid such failure, we have to draw a line between ourselves and the newcomers. The clan inside a clan concept would help us achieve just that. It wouldn't be like "Hey, there's a guy from DP acting like a retard", but rather "Look at that stupid trainee - he won't make it into DP.". See the difference? We just went from nooby shit clan for recruiting newbies to über pro clan just by separating ourselves from the masses.
I've thought about that a lot. I just didn't want to present it because it sounds really discriminative against new comers, but I do agree with you. I just don't want to sound like a douche about it, but I guess that it does have to happen if we want to be considered a respectable clan.
oh yeah