aah, I'm very sorry my friend but from me it will have to be a No.
-I know people say "Belt doesn't matter" but I'm afraid Yellow is too low matey
-You didn't fill out the application up to our standard, at the section "Tell us about yourself" you didn't reach the minimum words
-replays are not as important but would help
-You didn't read the first post fully

All the b3st

Last edited by b3st3v3r; Mar 2, 2013 at 04:04 PM.
"Slaughter is the b3st medicine"
1.luke skywalker lol.irl luke
4.croatia gmt+1
5.i am rly good player and i want to join good clan
i can be marketer of this clan
i am son of darth veder
my grammar is bad sry
i love light sabers
i love judo and aikido
i hope i will get in clan razzamatas
i dont know if i writed 50 words lol
6.some infractions for ussles posts
activity:9/10 on forums
6/10 in game
7.viper for now but i will leave it if i get accepted
8.i will put replays later
Last edited by Luke5815; Mar 2, 2013 at 04:32 PM.
Back in this gam
Originally Posted by Luke5815 View Post
1.luke skywalker lol.irl luke
4.croatia gmt+1
5.i am rly good player and i want to join good clan
i can be marketer of this clan
i am son of darth veder
my grammar is bad sry
i love light sabers
i love judo and aikido
i hope i will get in clan
i dont know if i writed 50 words lol
6.some infractions for ussles posts
activity:9/10 on forums
6/10 in game
7.viper for now but i will leave it if i get accepted
8.i will put replays later

No. You're already in a clan. Leave first then reapply (in a month)
You missed the magic word.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore