Christmas Lottery
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GG button or Thumbs up/down for an after-match
Hello people, just a tiny quick thread of a tiny suggestion.

I realise that proper etiquette requires GG or "good game" to be written after a game which you enjoyed, or an opponent you respected etc. but when you are playing with a mouse, its not too practical to type GG every time.

1) Lets offer a GG button, which you will click

2) Or a Thumbs up/down button, which will show your opinion of your performance or the game quality etc.

3) We can even have the rest of the players in the Room to do thumbs up/down, and the games with most thumbs up will show up somewhere as memorable moments of the week.
"Weird T-posed ragdolls tear each other to pieces in moon gravity"... Tonakai
50% supported...
You can just press t and type gg and enter that's it but..
for some lazy people just press the button and there.

Not supported.

About the thumb up/down, I think we need it for the forum, not for the game.
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar
I think typing gg works just fine. Shouldn't get too complicated about it.
~Not Supported
( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) eat clen tren hard, anavar give up
You mean people. I see I am the only lazy guy here :P
What about THumbs up/down for the match voted by the entire room? Wont it be useful, especially for epic big rooms?
"Weird T-posed ragdolls tear each other to pieces in moon gravity"... Tonakai
Originally Posted by Gmbrdile View Post
You mean people. I see I am the only lazy guy here :P
What about THumbs up/down for the match voted by the entire room? Wont it be useful, especially for epic big rooms?

not at all, more than likely it'd be a feature that no one used because it's easier just to type.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Why does a game need this? if you liked the match just bloody say.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Lazy facebook users need a button for everything..blargh.
Whatcha think, hacking in 2 letters (GG) or moving mouse + pressing button, what is faster?

Totally somewhat of not supported and not needed

Just my five cents...
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