Original Post
[Secret Recruitment] Skills Team

The skills/abilities you have claimed to excel at within the recruitment thread will be tested here.
A list of accepted specialties include:
Event Planner
Artist (Texturing and Banner-Making)
Mod Maker
[Secret] Story Writer
(i.e. anything that may be beneficial to the clan)

There are tests you will have to pass. Please post which test set applies to you, and any proof that it requires in that set.


This is composed of your past artwork and current.


This set will test your strengths as a mod maker


This is for story structuring and event planning

Replay Maker

This set is for replay making of all kinds, including splits, manips, madmans, and most importantly, decapitating.


If your talent is not measured by the following sets, this is the one for you.

Team Members:
Leader - Mystery
Co-leader - Iemagazine



Note: This thread is subject to change.
*If you feel your set is not listed here and should, please bring it to my attention.
Last edited by Mystery; Feb 18, 2014 at 06:55 PM.

I don't really have anything special skills but i keep myself as an amateur artist.

I have made two sets, Avvy's and some pictures.

Here are some of my work.

Made with Gimp2

Sets. And some flats.


Here's m crappy youtube channel.

Haven't uploaded any vids lately.
I just don't have the patience to do vids.
Last edited by Zapekk; Mar 19, 2013 at 10:06 PM.

[X]Recruit's artwork will be checked.
[ ]Recruit will be tested in texturing/equality
[ ]Recruit will complete a masterpiece challenge
[ ]Recruit will be discussed

For your test in texturing and equality, I would like you to renovate that second set of yours.
Originally Posted by zapekk View Post
I think that i'll make it on weekend.

Don't feel like putting my effort in it right now.

That's fine. As long as its done soon.
Hey guys.

I don't want to make you to wait for this.
Easter's is ending and i couldn't do really anything for the set.

I just don't know what to do to it or how to do it.
Im not good at texturing really.

I'll just start to wait for personality part.

I will take no from this.

This april's fool is a bit confusing.
I waked up and come to the forum and see myself as Hampa.

Said for me to do "other" section (I do avy's and sigs, not good at textures at all)
soo here is some of my work. :P

Ma work

Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
His stuff is like an overedit, but overedited art. If that even makes sense.

Also, my favourite.

Last edited by Metriakon; Apr 6, 2013 at 12:18 PM.
Metri, no off topic posts please. Thanks.

[X]Recruits work will be processed
[ ]Recruit will be tested in whatever they specialize
[ ]Recruit will complete a task associated with the specialty
[ ]Recruit will be discussed