Original Post
[B][S][T] 50k's shop with over 150,000tc!
Hello ladies and Gentlemen, today I am spending over 160,000tc on your items!
You can find my Tc and Qi here

I am mostly looking for magma Force and Relax, but i'm also buying all of your 128 textures for 1,400tc each

texture! (i'm also buying forces and relaxes)

I am selling everything I own including my wing flame, so feel free to dl and lp me and offer away!

1. You must offer first
2. No stupid offers
3. Please check my QI and TC before offering
4. Please specify if you're buying or selling the item(s)
Most Wanted List
I am currently buying a Snova Hair Color
Item of the day is...
Epic Wings!
Item of yesterday was...
Velvet force for only 30,000tc!
Last edited by 50k; Mar 24, 2013 at 07:46 PM.
Originally Posted by 50k View Post

Sphinx force 1k
Sphinx lax 1.3k
Copper 2.3k

copper 3k
deal on the rest
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