Here's my application :3
IRL name:
Your Skype, Steam, and/or email:
Do not have a skype. My steam is Zinrius e-mail is
[email protected]
Your age:
Your current belt:
2 brown belts, 3 blues, 1 green and god knows how many whites and yellows
How long have you been playing Toribash:
Meh, lost count. I say a couple of months on and off ?
Been in previous clans? Why did you leave?:
Never been in another clan
Why do you want to join Oblivion:
New Clan, awesome people and I've been invited. I'm looking forward to being part of it as well and see how far it prospers.
Any Alternate Accounts? List them:
KnightTori - Brown belt
Any others are dead in the sense that I'll never see or use them again considering they served their purpose
Any infractions and/or bans:
Favorite mod:
Twinswords is my main game. Anything additional is just to practice movement such as Wushu or Judo which I'm decent at thanks to twinsword training.
How have you come to know Oblivion:
DJBro caught my eye being in it and so I asked him about it. And here I am posting an application
How active are you in game:
Got nothing else to do besides study and watch youtube while waiting in line for the next turn to play toribash
How active are you on the Forum:
Up until now, never. I'll get more involved since now I have purpose to be on it.
How often do you think you would donate:
Well, after taking care of my colors and textures I could donate perhaps 100tc a week, increasingly as I'll soon need less and less of it
Any friends you have that are already in Oblivion:
Hawkes, DJ, Mayifli, K1ng are the ones that come top on my head. Oblivion has people I mostly know and consider associates.
Anything else you want to say:
This partnership will be a growing expirience, never been in a clan before and with this many cool people in it I know it'll be a trip.
(optional) Attach some replays of what you can do, or post them to the replays section of the Toribash
forum and link to them.
Fun Questions
You're in a dark room with a tied up leader of Oblivion. What do you do?
Who's your daddy, and what does he do?
He's a war veteran, got the purple heart badge for being involved in combat over at Iraq, that's who my daddy is.