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twinsword strategy exchange thread!!!
post a strategy, and u're free to look at the rest. don't just look at all of the strategies, and not share one that you've found. i'll share a basic strategy with u. hit C, contract pecs, hold this for sure, now, u have options. either move no shoulders, to have both hands in front, 1 for 1 in front, or both for niether in front. u can move shoulders in opposite directions for scissor technique, same for a complete slicing technique, or randomly, mixing it up to keep ur opponent guessing, i like to mix it up based on what i think will work best to counter my opponent's strategy. you can also use abs, to speed up or slow down the leaning, or use ur back to dodge/keep on them. you can pretty much use any joint to mix it up (not knees). this provides both offence and defence, although it can be an extremely simple technique, i don't know the counter technique for it.
Twin Spears
I'm sure almost everyone has SEEN this move and a lot of used it but i might as well post it, and give it a name.
I call it Twin Spears.You contract your left and right hip, then extend your pecs. the next turn( if you haven't gotten your head lopped off..) extend your hips,contract your pecs and raise both you're arms. This should make your guy fly forward and impale them. It depends on how you cut them, but if they havnt done anything then you should be able to either raise or lower your arms to do more damage.lowering you get their legs, raising you get their arms,head and pecs. This is a good move if your fighting someone who HASN'T seen it because it can be easily countered by the enemy contracting their pecs and leaning forward. you still damage,and more then him too, but u got flying out of the ring. Just a good beginning movei ve seen many times
thank you sateran, u're the kind of person we need more of. i didn't know how to do it, i'll give u guys another move in here, if u post enough.
This style is really simple, and although many people probably know it, I still find it to be an effective style. Because of the fact that it is simple, you can change it around and mold it to your own strategy. The Main style goes as follows: Hold all (hit C), Relax knees and hips (Relaxing knees and hips makes your person crouch faster), Contract Pecs, Raise Arms, Space - Once you are here it is pretty straightforward. This is a good defensive position, and it allows you to block a variety of attacks. At this point you have a good setup to use your Toribashian in any way you want for defense or attack. I call this setup "Dual Defender."

My favorite way to finish the enemy is as follows: From "Dual Defender" - Space - Space - Extend Left Hip (The reason to extend only one hip is because if you do both, you jump to fast and miss the enemy with your swords. However, if your enemy is above you, Extending both is a good idea.) Once you Extend your hip and hit space again, you should lunge at their chest with your swords. Against Uke, you Decapitate him and remove his arms at the same time, and the fall away to a safe distance. Against human enemies, the effect varies, but if you hit in the same general spot, their arms will shoot to the sides, where they cannot hit you. (I always hate disembodied arms slicing me.) After you lunge, go from there to find the best course of action. I call this move "Ballista Lunge." If you manage to have the time to hit space the many times before you do it, it is very effective. Luckily, even if you do not, you still have the advantage of being in a defensive position.

The two counters to this move are: If someone lays on their back and kicks your arms from underneath. This sucks because then you can't do anything. However, I have only had that done once, it is difficult to pull off I assume. The other is very simple, and all it is is contracting pecs. The persons swords will reach you before yours will reach them, and then your dead. Most of the time however, the enemy will try something more complicated. The only time this happens is when you use this move over and over, then the people in the room start to realize the fact that you never do anything else, so they do that simple move. The fix for that is just mixing this up with something else. Happy Hunting!
I call it "Clean Swipe"

On your first move, contract both pecs, your chest, and contract the elbow of the are that is going forward. then on your next turn lower the shoulder of the arm that is forward. press space and BAM!there goes their head.
Did you just get DQ'ed by a Black belt who used a toribooster to boost their amount of credits per win but you have no idea what any of those are?
Then check out "The Toribash Dictionary"
Church, I tried your move but all it would do was make my person swipe the ground to the side of him. Could you be more specific? Like whether you should hold all before you start and things like that?
Yes you do hold all.
Did you just get DQ'ed by a Black belt who used a toribooster to boost their amount of credits per win but you have no idea what any of those are?
Then check out "The Toribash Dictionary"