Original Post
[SELL]Cheap Items!
I'm selling these items. Please Buy.

For 1,200 toricredits. (Each)

For 2,000 toricredits.

For 2,000 toricredits.

For 1,000 toricredits.

For 1,200 toricredits.

All for 12,000 toricredits. (3,500 toricredits each.)

For 8,000 toricredits.

Expensive item for Sale :

For 40,000 toricredits.

Proof of Items.
(Sorry. You cannot buy the acid and toxic items. Vampire items must be payed by whole set. Also, Quicksilver Relax is reserved. But you can offer much higher price than 30,000 toricredits.)
Last edited by Basher515; Aug 29, 2008 at 02:06 PM.
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt
ill buy typhon force for 8k...
money sent...

you send the joint to RyuSanPL

and ill buy all gaia for 4200tc

money sent

you can send gaia to me
Last edited by evil; Aug 28, 2008 at 02:37 PM.
I made the wrong price... I am sending a request to send the remaining 2,000 toricredits.

Also, I have sent Marelons' toricredits back.
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt
Wow, 8k for typhon? :x
No wonder it sold so fast
<@Opeth> No, they should get the worst texturer
* @Opeth suggests <censored>
<@hanz0> good suggestion
<@Opeth> I don't understand how you can make textures for so long and not improve in the slightest
<@hanz0> it is because his learning curve is more of a learning horizontal line
No one bought it for 15,000 toricredits so I sold it at half. (Besides I bought it for only 5,000 toricredits.)
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt
evilperson returned the gaia joints now so it's going to be sold again.
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt
I bought My typhon at 3tc O_O.
I would have figured 15k would be reasonable :|

Good luck with your shop Basher. =)
<@Opeth> No, they should get the worst texturer
* @Opeth suggests <censored>
<@hanz0> good suggestion
<@Opeth> I don't understand how you can make textures for so long and not improve in the slightest
<@hanz0> it is because his learning curve is more of a learning horizontal line