Flash, why so harsh? What don't you like about him?
Originally Posted by Fenris
Yea, that vote was kind of nonsensical.
I want to duel someone... Gawd... Join "FenFen" If you're up for some 1k Lenshu duels..
I guess voting no is too harsh or nonsensical..? So should I just say yes to a random person I hardly know just because you guys are voting yes? Maybe I should do that for every person that say's they consider the themselves to be a part of our Family. In that case you have my vote Wes. Wouldn't want to be "harsh" or "Nonsensical." In my opinion I said no for a very good reason. I barely know you, I didn't want to vote yes for someone I hardly know... but if you guys think that's too harsh or nonsensical of me :o ill vote yes. I don't think my opinion matters so ill just stay quiet for votes and let you guys handle that stuff. ^-^ <3