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Hello everyone! Let me get to the point, because if i didn't, this would take a while. I want to join!

Contact Information-Skype:RedOblivions If you need my email, pm me and i will put on forums for you guys!

I had an account prior to this one, but i lost the account information. I recently re-ignited the spark i had for this game by watching videos by ChimneySwift, Mr360games, etc.

I am 15. I love to have fun. I found fell in love not just with the game, but the community. I love to just sit down and be able to talk with people and tell jokes and have conversations. I like nightime because it seems as though all my troubles of the day just seem to fade and i can just finally..relax. Im chill, calm, and can act positively in the face of an incoming apocalypse.

I want to join Oblivion because you guys stick out to me. I have skimmed your forums and read your rules, and this clan shows tons of potential. The members seem really great, and your page is really well organized and easily read. I have met Mayifli ingame and we have played and are playing right now at this moment. He represents you guys really well!

I have not been in any clans before, due to this being a a newly made account. This will be my first post, but i will make sure to be forum and ingame active I am fairly new to irc, so i will need some assitance in signing up for that.

I do not have any cool replays as of yet, but i will make sure to make some for you guys if you want me to. Im not quite an artistic person. Although, i can make a fantastic stick figure in mspaint

I hope you guys enjoy and give me the privelage of being in your clan. (How do you spell privelage?)
Incase anyone is wondering, my favorite color is everything be kindve racist to just pick one color.
Last edited by BlueVoid; Apr 6, 2013 at 11:18 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump