Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
when will it stop
when will the servers stop crashing its kinda annoying when i ping and cant get back in due to socket error
It's not the servers, it's obviously your internet.
More specifically the ability of your ISP being able to send and receive packets. I've got a 6 year old laptop shitty internet. It has absolutely no problems sending or receiving packets.
On average if I'm on the internet for a couple hours I send an average of 400-500k packets and receive just under 1kk. If you want to connect all the time, I'd suggest getting an ISP which isn't constantly being used by half the planet. Rogers, Bell, e.t.c., lots of people use that so they've got more demand on their servers. There's no problem using an ISP no ones ever heard of that boasts the same internet capabilities as Rogers, just that they've got little demand on their servers.
You should probably look into the matter before posting a thread.