If it makes you happy, and doesn't negatively impact others I don't see why there's a problem with it. And if you're going to share their beliefs, it's your fault for being a mindless drone.
I don't think you quite understand.
Being obese is terrible for you. It's a major contributing factor to the top 5 causes of death. And people are now promoting you, not to LOVE YOURSELF, but to STAY FAT.
People would be offended if you said "Hey, get AIDs. It's good for you" on a commercial, so why draw the line here?
Do you want any form of intervention for adipostivity? Just for clarification.
I want a clear effort expressed by adipositivity to highlight the dangers of being obese with what they're saying about remaining obese.
Tobacco companies include warnings about cigarettes, even on the box I believe? Obesity should be held to the same standard.
Tobacco companies include warnings about cigarettes, even on the box I believe? Obesity should be held to the same standard.
WARNING: Will make you happy