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[VID] Obhey

oh hey
i was bored
cnc pls
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

yeah so

i like it. that's it

altough im not a fan of chill edits, im glad there was still destruction

hence the 'chilln like a villn' o shet mind=blown


felt like in the first clip uke appearing could've been done a bit smoother

but u lazy so

I play games and lift weights.
i'm not very good at them
yes i know

i'll work on it though

because the obey clan video won't be like this duh
when can we make that
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

The tilt-shift CC looks surprisingly good. The shader looks great as well. Good choice of music, it was enjoyable, but I feel like it wasn't incorporated into the video enough. The only sync I noticed was at 0:08 and 0:46. 0:37 to 0:46 threw me off a bit because it wasn't synced, but the stop and go looked nice. Great visuals, bad sync
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
The tilt-shift CC looks surprisingly good. The shader looks great as well. Good choice of music, it was enjoyable, but I feel like it wasn't incorporated into the video enough. The only sync I noticed was at 0:08 and 0:46. 0:37 to 0:46 threw me off a bit because it wasn't synced, but the stop and go looked nice. Great visuals, bad sync

yeah, i was really lazy in how i made this, and i did it without getting a visual or idea on what i wanted to do.
most of the sync isn't noticeable because of my bad freecam
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

once i get my new rig, need to scope up a bit more monay - shit's expensive

then we make obey the clanvod
I play games and lift weights.
stupid name change threw my gallery off, took me forever to remember you changed...
i spent like 3 months or whatever, thinking you were some unk...

anyway, vid was fun
solid transitions, they got better throughout the vid, the first one was crap, second one was better, then the last one was classy.
the blur thing(tilt shift?) felt out of place, too blurry, forced focus into places too early, or threw the focus off, was a nice idea though.
not sure if the glare/lighting sync is becoming a trademark of yours or is annoying.
solid replays
very pretty
but the uke thing in the first replay was meh, could have done that smoother
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
yeah i was getting really frustrated with how i wanted to fade uke in because i had a brainfart making it so i just left it how it was. made this very quickly.
thanks for the add to that one gallery btw (:
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I like the name of the video ;) Chillin like a villin, since that's what I say almost every day ;P

What's the name of the song?
Happy Halloween!!!!!
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