Original Post
[Tradeing Azurite force for something good come at me bro]
Azurite force active in my set wanting to trade for something good
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong
512x512 Right Bicep Texture + Full Hunter trails (many are not on the market). I can add some tc, haggle.
azurite force 55k in the marekt

My offer was static relax 34k
velvet force 22.5k
grip sound 4.4k

my force and realax only cost 56k it already over the market prize you saying to app 10k? :>
Fine turd deal send then i send
Wait do not send you need 1.5k Qi
Last edited by utaniam; Apr 24, 2013 at 05:31 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong