@wannin: Haven't watched it, but I doubt I'll like it. In my experience everything that is simultaneously listed in "Romance" and "Comedy"(and this is listed in "Music" as well) tends to suck, so I have entirely given up watching movies that have those characteristics. And it appears that everyone in Hollywood seems to think a movie needs to have some kind of romance inside it to be good, which is most certainly not the case and has led to some potentially great movies suffering(examples would be in point would be In Time, Never Back Down).
As for movies that I've really liked, here's some favorites from the top of my head.
V for Vendetta(It's based on a great graphic novel, and though it makes some changes it still came out extremely good)
The Matrix Trilogy(I find something new in these movies every time I watch them. They offer much more than special effects if you pay attention, especially as you get older.)
Life of Pi - As soon as I found out Ang Lee directed it, I was sold on it. He also directed The Hulk(2003), one of my favorite movies of all time. I am not religious, but I still managed to enjoy the movie immensely - it has some of the best scenes I've ever seen. Ang Lee is one of those directors that knows how to use CGI properly.
Memento - A very complicated and awesome movie. I hadn't seen anything like it.
Hulk(2003) - It was everything I wanted a Hulk movie to be. It managed to represent the internal struggle of the characters very well. I wouldn't recommend the second Hulk movie at all ... It was basically a bad reboot. A very bad reboot.
The Shawshank Redemption - A great movie, one of the best I've seen.
The Punisher(2004) - A personal favorite.
Seven Pounds - One of the best dramas I've seen.
Welcome to the jungle/The Rundown - One of my favorite action movies, and it has plenty of funny moments.
Zeitgeist - While I wouldn't recommend trusting everything in it blindly, that's basically the point. This movie will at least make you question what you're being told, and in doing so will do you a huge favor. And it's free to download/watch.
Rush Hour Trilogy(Best action-comedy series I've seen)
I,Robot - A personal favorite.
This wall of text should be solid enough now. You're welcome xD