Vampire primary gradient, 3k. Supernova secondary gradient 4k, mild haggle..
“Resignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making humanity their footpath.”
Berc, acid blood - 2k
gradient - 1k
chrisfinne, mysterio force - 5k
TribalD86, vampire primary - 1.5k supernova - 2k
Originally Posted by venuk View Post
Berc, acid blood - 2k

Newer. This is considered a collector's item yet.
Originally Posted by venuk View Post
Berc, gradient - 1k

Make 2.2k and deal.
Offer only for gradient, because I will selling blood later. Also, selling Old Gold Ghost - 5.5k. And hunter trails - 5.5k each.
I changed my mind to sell blood (dropped in price today) . Offer not at all, and for each item separately, please.
Короче вот список:

Acid Secondary Gradient - 2k
Old Gold Ghost - 5.5k.
Hunter trails - 5.5k за каждый.

Чтобы не запутаться.
Last edited by Berc; May 8, 2013 at 11:52 AM.