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[S] The War Pig


Good day! Looking for offers on this freshly made head! Information below.

Artist: Dilara
Size: 512x512 (I can resize it for free)
Recolors: Yes, but it will cost 3k since there is a lot of detail based on the dark blue and skin color itself. I will need to adjust a lot of stuff.
Forms of payment: I accept TC or USD (recolor is free if payment is in USD)
Previous owners: None

Also, don't worry about the colors. Looking at the colors, it will probably go with the majority of force and relax colors.

Please understand that effort is put in this texture, and very low offers will not be accepted. I'm looking for a price around 15k.

Also, if you like this head texture's style, I am able to take 1 head texture request. If you are interested, PM me.
Last edited by Dilara; May 17, 2013 at 12:09 AM.
I'll offer my head flame on War pigs.
If you want to make a hand textures too, it will be good, thanks.

C/P from PM ;)

adding toxic relax to my offer.

Aw, canceling my bid, sorry.
Last edited by lukasrocha; May 18, 2013 at 07:19 AM.
we are all lil' demons in puppies body
Originally Posted by doodledoo View Post
ill start by offering 17k.

Current offer. (Don't worry, if no one else offers within like 20 hours I'm going to give it to you.

Also lucasrocha, I have to figure out how much this flame will make me.