Christmas Lottery
Original Post
My question is, just why? What makes us believe in a mystical being in the sky, and sometimes more than one? What drives us to kill ourselves in the name of our lord, or sacrifice ourselves and plead this being for forgiveness? Why can't we eat pork unless blessed or under certain circumstances? Why can't we marry people of the same sex? Why can't we disrespect cows? Why can't we disrespect our government? Why do we fight other countries battles in a war far too long that our country isn't even concerned about? Why invade another country to try to change their government, when we still complain about our own? Why do we have different beliefs, laws, loves, wants, needs, borders, and governments? Why can't we all live together in a big world as Atheists, Islams, Christian, or why gods at all?
Differences are what make the world turn. Can you imagine if we were all the same ? The world would be sad and boring...

Differences are cool, the important thing is tolerance.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Differences are what make the world turn. Can you imagine if we were all the same ? The world would be sad and boring...

Differences are cool, the important thing is tolerance.

No, we would be like ants because we all think almost a like.We'd probably be in space and shit if we all thought as one and worked in uniformity other than battling over who's god is right (Though they are the same fucking being) We would be an extremely strong race. Because of our differences, ignorance, stupidity we are stuck in the so called world where we rely on conflict to make the world spin.

But you know if we all sat around, the World would spin regardless, figuratively and physically.
Last edited by T0ribush; May 23, 2013 at 09:53 AM.
I read somewhere that in the dna of humans, it is encoded for us to believe in a higher power. Trippy.
Also, the reason why we all look different is the result of a couple million years of hominid species and subspecies interbreeding (6 million years if you count great ape divergence from the australopithecines).
So yeah, there is no such thing as a "pure" human anymore, we're basically the same as dog mutts, that's why we all look so different individually (which is also why cats and dogs look different, since we bred each breed for a unique role in most cases).
Also, fun fact for all you racists out there/idiots who think black people "evolved" into white people:
Pure africans and aborigines (not african americans or "negros" or what have you) have no neanderthal dna. It is theorized that neanderthal spread to europe and asia from africa a million or so years ago, while cro-magnon man stayed in africa. Some time later, some cro-magnon families migrated to eurasia and mixed with the neanderthal population, while other cro-magnon families stayed in africa and/or possibly traveled to areas like australia. This explains why pure blacks don't have neandethal dna, and is also funny, because it implies that pure blacks are the purest strain of "human" still existing today.

And to answer the OP question, human greed is what started the crusades under the false banner of "holy warfare". Same thing can be said for just about any western religion, it is used by the greedy to control the weak and dumb, and t is used by visionaries to inspire all the plebeians.
You should totally read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.
No, really. Do it. Now.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I read somewhere that in the dna of humans, it is encoded for us to believe in a higher power. Trippy.

I didn't know that, but that's weirdly not surprising me. I mean, the universe and living things follow the laws of physics, chemistry, biology etc... These are not a "supernatural conscious", but they're still some kind of "higher power" that we can only accept and follow. That's what I'd call my "god", the "primal fact" that Life just keep on living; the unlikely order of Life popping out of chaos and adapting itself constantly. No need for magic bearded dudes ;o

I might check that book ! Not the first time I come accross this title
Last edited by deprav; May 18, 2013 at 10:28 PM.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I didn't know that, but that's weirdly not surprising me. I mean, the universe and living things follow the laws of physics, chemistry, biology etc... These are not a "supernatural conscious", but they're still some kind of "higher power" that we can only accept and follow. That's what I'd call my "god", the "primal fact" that Life just keep on living; the unlikely order of Life popping out of chaos and adapting itself constantly. No need for magic bearded dudes ;o

I might check that book ! Not the first time I come accross this title

Also yeah, this is basically what I believe too; as a Unitarian Universalist I believe in some sort of cosmic consciousness.
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Well, have you heard of crusaders that killed thousands of men "in the name of god?"

I mentioned this in my post; basically world leaders used "god" as a way to get armies of infidels to attack the holy land.

Also, I think this thread should probably be closed soon, because threads like these usually end with atheism vs Christianity, and there is no discussion there, just two groups of closed-minded people arguing over god (and creationists refuse to be wrong about their beliefs even when proven wrong, so it won't end).

imo we should get out as many intelligent and enlightened posts as possible before the shitstorm happens.
Last edited by NormalCitizen; May 19, 2013 at 06:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
God Delusion is a good book, but there's not much point in reading it if you are an atheist already. It'll just be 450 pages of confirmation, which you will accept due to bias. The opening chapters will make you hate religion even more when he outlines all the fucked things religions do...