Here's a tip if you want to wake yourself up (especially during a nightmare):
Close your eyes and hold your ears closed so that you can't respond to the virtual stimuli; it always wakes me up.
Originally Posted by
i keep dreaming that i can suck my own dick
I did that twice irl.
I've had many dreams similar to Fivah, they've also changed me, but one of the most enigmatic dreams I've ever had went like this:
I was standing on a stone floor; the floor had markings all over it as if an artisan carved ships and flower trim into it. The dream is actually 4 hours long, but this is the important part (e.g part 4 of my long dream, since the other 3 parts corresponded, but were completely different areas):
The stone floor was about a mile wide, and then to my left I noticed there were thin ramps and boardwalks leading down into a massive city made of stone.
I realized that this stone ground was incredibly high in the air, since all I saw was clear blue sky all around. I walked to an edge with two of my female friends, and they then immediately went back to the city. I looked over the edge, and noticed there was no ground in sight; only clear blue sky with a few thin clouds.
Suddenly, a strange feeling of peculiarity overcame my body. About 5 seconds later, a massive shadow suddenly came from nowhere and surrounded the clear, sunny blue sky in some sort of shading effect; the stone ground looked as if a massive wall was in front of it, and it turned darker with shade. It felt like a solar eclipse, I was getting freaked out.
I looked down at my feet, and realized there were pebble and bits of gravel hovering around my knees. Closer inspection revealed a few more pebbles hovering knee-height all across the stone floor (the stone floor was an open dish; really wide and long).
Then suddenly I saw clouds part really fast, and the sun shone in my eye. I saw birds fly by.
And then a feeling of complete terror surrounded me; I was the only person in the area, and there was a gigantic moon right in front of me.
I walked closer to the edge and looked out at it. usually when you would look at a moon at that angle, you could surround it with your hand; but this moon was so massive, I could not surround it with a large hula-hoop, let alone my arms.
It appeared to be only 50 miles or so away, and the overall size of the object horrified me. I could see all of the craters and gorges with detail, and the "graphics" of the overall visual were better than real life.
I made a rough image with inkscape to help convey the experience better, but it should only be taken with a grain of salt; because the moon had much more visible craters, and had background shading against the sky to make it look far more terrifying:
When you look at the image, you're looking at it through my eyes, the women are just there to show the illusion of depth and relative scale: