Few replayss.
Having trouble doing a cork in the tricking replay. Can't get the set-up right :/
Attached Files
360kick edit 4.rpl (129.0 KB, 46 views)
Iron and Wine.rpl (189.1 KB, 56 views)
Iron and Wine: Opener was okay, the spin in the air was cool and the split looked powerful. Grab and punch was quite messy, though. Backflip to the kick was great but I think you could have gotten a boom with that. Pose was nice.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Also have a Skeet version, but I don't like it as much.
Returning CnC
Attached Files
Vodka V2.0.rpl (182.6 KB, 61 views)
The start of the opener was a tiny bit twitchy.
The spin was nice, but it was kinda stiff.
The launch was pretty good.
The split was smooth and powerful.
I liked the transition between the split and the boom.
The boom flowed well, and looked decent.
Overall, you were a bit too stiff. 8/10
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
Flow of the replay was pretty steady and good. What I don't like about the replay is the opener, it was a little jerky. Anyway, keep up the good job. (:
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!