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I need kiai sound help.
I have a kiai sound, but I don't have a sound to upload to it. I was looking for a portion of the Jaws theme song ( preferably the near ending 5 seconds ). However, I was told by my brother that doing so would be illegal ;_;. So I'm here to ask if anyone could find a different version tht sounds ok and won't be illegal if i use it my kiai sound. I really hope someone responds to my plea. Good luck peoples.
Originally Posted by Daliger View Post
I have a kiai sound, but I don't have a sound to upload to it. I was looking for a portion of the Jaws theme song ( preferably the near ending 5 seconds ). However, I was told by my brother that doing so would be illegal ;_;. So I'm here to ask if anyone could find a different version tht sounds ok and won't be illegal if i use it my kiai sound. I really hope someone responds to my plea. Good luck peoples.

Besides, it's just giving publicity to the movie. You're doing them a favor.
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.