Secret Santa 2024
Thanks erth, but in formation, Link, from now on, if someone posts, just go with it.
Unless they are openly bitching at you, let them be. They took out the / invade for a reason. anyone can post anywhere, unless asked not too.

I'm fine with people posting, it's coo'. Brings life into this land of emptiness.
Sorry for the delays but today's our play session and I'll be available to play from 4 PM to 6 PM (+0 GMT). There'll be probably more hours I can be into but for now, these 2 hours only. Just because...

I had a couple of problems about playing Toribash last week because of some errors connecting to servers. Let's hope that the same situation doesn't repeat today. Of course I'm not restricted to Tori and if you have any suggestion on a free multiplayer game that you would like to play, don't be afraid to suggest it.

See you guys soon.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~