Christmas Lottery
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An idea for the streamers and hosters!
You know there are global/broadcasts we can buy from the torishop? Well I think we should expand on that by making sure the broadcast be seen on the forums by making it a notification or something that shows up on top of the forums. This could be beneficial for streamers if they want to host a stream and want to call out the ingame and forum members, this can also help betting servers and tourney because it can catch the forum crowd too.

something like this;

Totally supported. There are always players who lurk on forums rather than going ingame, cause nothing special is happening there. This would ensure that such ppl see the global too.
Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
Well the only problem with that is if 10 people buy it all around the same time. It wouldn't be fair to limit it to where only a few people can use it, would be nice if all 10 can use it, then it will just mean it's spamming up the forums. People on the forums aren't in-game for a reason. So might as well leave it. You can get enough people in your room without globaling on the forums also. So yeah. Don't really like this idea. It can cause lots of problems, you can counter what I said by saying resolutions, but there is always a problem for a resolution as there is a resolution for a problem.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Max display can be 3 broadcasts, no more shown, and it shows latest ones. We can get people who can't use client at the moment but want to preview a stream on with this, its very useful for the new streamers.

You can already see it right here, thought I do agree that it would be nice if it were in a more visible spot.
~ [Fa]mily~
"You may have Downs, but you get me up." - Hucota7
The mechanisms for allowing this sort of thing already exist, but will probably remain restricted to staff only for the foreseeable future.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
As it is, we only do forum announcements for official or GM moderated events. If you are going to host a large event, and you can get some GMs involved, then you may be able to post an announcement for it.

I'd rather keep it there for events that have been planned in advanced rather than letting people just pay for announcements. Although if the announcement was smaller and less obnoxious, we could do something for the latest broadcasts.
I'd say I'd rather not to. People who wanna play ingame are ingame. Those who are on forums, considering playing, can keep their toribash open and check for fat servers with many players and stuff

Myself, I'm pissed off enough already by stpid stickies, I don't want extra spam ^^ up there

so it's a minor negative from me
Okay so I went ahead and made a little something. Figured there may as well be something in that giant empty space between the navbits and login info.

[22:43:06] <Fish> okay I've just made something to show the latest ingame broadcast on the forums
[22:43:13] <Fish> it needs 2 things
[22:43:29] <Fish> 1. a broadcast made within the last 15 minutes
[22:43:40] <Fish> 2. the person who made that broadcast to actually be ingame
[22:43:41] <SkulFuk> worthwhile broadcasts & worthwhile users making them?
[22:43:57] <Fish> good point
[22:44:02] <Fish> SkulFuk, I choose you!
[22:44:12] <Fish> go make a broadcast
[22:45:37] <SkulFuk> Fish: any broadcast ok?
[22:45:56] <Fish> well don't say something that makes you look stupid
[22:46:21] <SkulFuk> boom, done
[22:46:28] <Fish> are you ingame?
[22:46:45] <SkulFuk> specced in a random room
[22:46:58] <Fish> okay just wait a minute or two for the roomlist to update
[22:47:04] <Fish> pulls every 3 minutes
[22:47:11] <Fish>
[22:47:18] <Fish> as soon as you're in that it should appear
[22:49:35] <Fish> also hover your mouse over it