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Quality for textures made with Paint
At the moment i use Paint to ceate textures. I use a 128x128 template and its low quality, is this because of Paint or the 128x128 template? Because if its paint there is no point in buying a larger template. just wondering.
It is typically because of both the program and the 128 template being the lowest quality. You should download a program entitled gimp and use the 512 templates tat will automatically resize. Gimp is a free program that you can download from their website. I cannot link you to it right now as I am on a mobile device.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
I dont know how to use GIMP right now :/

look up on google and youtube for the basics.
after u got them, and u know how to use it just try around with textures... it will take a while until u make som "okay looking" textures. its just all about practice, as ingame.
also im sure that in unibash or so are a few people which surely help u out if u get any problems with certain things in gimp.
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It is quite simpl actually if you do not understand it simply look up a tutorial on Youtube. Practice with the program and I guarantee it will make a hell of a difference in the quality of your textures.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
low quality, is this because of Paint or the 128x128

If you make the textures in the 128x128, then you won't lose quality. However, if you make them in either 256x256 or 512x512, you will lose quality putting them on a 128x128 item. Paint can give good results, just select .PNG instead of .JPEG, this should up the quality of the image.

If you want to do advanced textures, I suggest Gimp, because of brushes and also a better zoom option. Gimp is a free program and isn't hard to use for simple stuff.
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Paint can be used to produce as high quality textures as any other program.

Be sure to use png or bmp format when saving in order to preserve quality.