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The next stage of evolution and human rights
The internet is a very powerful tool and needs to be defended and used consciously. It made us "hyper-comunicating" : we're on the edge to be able to share free culture, ideas and knowledge, instantly and on a world wide scale, regardless of the old nationalist boundaries, religions and colors. Like synapses linking areas of the brain together.
Communication is important, we've taken it to a point A LOT of our old ideas and conception of politic, economics and nationalist ideas are now obsolete.

After the Edward Snowden affair, revealing the existence of PRISM, a "tool" the US government currently uses, a tool able to spy on any mean of communication without any restrictions nor democratic control (google it if you haven'd heard of it, it's very important to know) ; we know we'll have to act and defend our rights in order to evolve as a free and conscious specy.

Without the internet we probably would never hear about the following videos I'm about to share, its content being entirely accurate or not isn't the point. It's an important event and a first on the politic scene, even more as it might be true.

Watch it until the end because he finishes on a very wise note.

We need to prepare ourselves to break with the old customs, because we can, because we have to ! if we ever want our future generation to live a descent life.
We presently know that the actual economic system is the hugest scam ever made, the crysis are man made, our lives suffer the consequences of decisions taken by men holding the ressources and power into their hands... because that's what a world irrationaly based on money does : the richer people decide, and we comply, the richer people shape, and we adapt.

I know this is some hard informations to proceed, because daily life and its issues keep us from seeing the history happening, but history happens "everyday over a few year". I can assure you our actual technology and knowledge is bringing us to a crucial point of our evolution, just be aware. Select your informations, think about them, doubt about the mass media, learn and be respectful.

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Edit : just to make things clear, I'm not supporting ALL of what the honourable old man says, but I'm in a very Sci-Fi mood lately. And I thought it was a cool vidz with cool points to start a discussion about the present state of humanity if we replace ourselves humbly in the universe ;o
Last edited by deprav; Jun 14, 2013 at 07:51 AM.
USA does this like this all the time, of course it's bad but not much we can do about it.

Proof plz.

-> Economics
Unavoidable. Even if you move to pure socialism there will still be people more powerful than others.

-> Approaching the singularity
Agree, so much crazy shit being invented now days.I basically called 'gg' when I saw quantum locking.

-> Spiritual beings
Many religions use the silver rule or inverse golden rule. But I think that's more about being a nice person than anything religious. As usual I don't see why "be a nice person" is a spiritual experience. Isn't it obvious that you should be nice to other people?
Last edited by ImmortalCow; Jun 13, 2013 at 07:24 PM.
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
USA does this like this all the time, of course it's bad but not much we can do about it.

Proof plz.
yeah and the fact they only land on US lands is pretty suspicious :P

-> Economics
Unavoidable. Even if you move to pure socialism there will still be people more powerful than others.
Anarchism. But it's too late for that.

-> Spiritual beings
Many religions use the silver rule or inverse golden rule. But I think that's more about being a nice person than anything religious. As usual I don't see why "be a nice person" is a spiritual experience. Isn't it obvious that you should be nice to other people?
No clue. Maybe morality needs a more fancy name or something?

Your messed up world enthrills me
You make a thread about evolution and human rights and then proceed talk about one specific case of wiretapping. Then you jump to the evils of capitalism and that there will be some kind of revolution which you call evolution which doesn't make much sense as evolution is a biological term.

Reminds me of that Kradel guy.
Also man-made economic crashes lol.
Yay for conspiracy nuts.
The crashes are not planned by a rich elite or something.
Last edited by saahsaap; Jun 13, 2013 at 08:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
USA does this like this all the time, of course it's bad but not much we can do about it.

Lel, you were arguing the exact opposite on the CISPA thread, something along the line of "governments don't lie" and their laws and bills about the internet are only to protect the citizens against cyber-threats... you wanted a proof ;o
Not much we can do about it if we ain't doing anything that's for sure.

Proof plz.

I have none, I'm pretty sceptical about half he said (aliens being presently held prisonner and working with US gov 'n shit), the important point is how plausible it sounds for a human brain (not likely, but plausible), because if the human race had any contact with ET life with a superior technology, it would more likely be held secret for economical reasons (& religious reasons)
Plus if you want proof, we are a living proof ;p We went to space and, in the absolute, we aren't particullary smart : 80% of the people watch dumbshit on TV to rest their brain from an exhausting shitty job. If only a few of us can make us go to space, I guess some more evolved specie somewhere in the overwhelmingly huge universe might have stopped over our planet. I've never seen any, but that surely doesn't sound impossible.
+ I don't think that's something we can provide proofs for : witnesses are called nutjob, pics and vidz makes people sceptical because we can photoshop anything, or give some other rational explanations. If someone ever meet an actual alien, shakes his hand in front of a camera, people would call it special FX and stay in denial xD
So yeah, the only proof we could ever provide is ourselves, coupled with logic and probability applied on the scale of the universe.

-> Economics
Unavoidable. Even if you move to pure socialism there will still be people more powerful than others

We already had this (pretty long) discussion once. Any economic system will have influence on our social behaviour, our relation with "possession" and our political ideas in general.
The actual one is just enlarging the gap (between rich & poor) and becomes unbearable for the largest part of the population, ecologically dangerous, and starts to look like a totalitarian drift. Because people holding the money see the average joe is now able to educate himself, they're scared.
As we said in our long discussion about economics, it's no longer a science aiming to study human's exchange of good(needs) and currency, it's a tool which aims to exploit the weakness of the actual "closed system" for the profit of a few.

-> Spiritual beings
Many religions use the silver rule or inverse golden rule. But I think that's more about being a nice person than anything religious. As usual I don't see why "be a nice person" is a spiritual experience. Isn't it obvious that you should be nice to other people?

Yep, it SHOULD be a natural and logical rule. But not in a world wide system preaching self-enrichment at the expense of others. Our whole system is based on individualism over general well-being, therefore people growing in this environment will think according to it. I'm pretty sure most of us never considered the golden rule, they probably heard it when they were kidz, and forgot about it...

__________________________________________________ _____________

You make a thread about evolution and human rights and then proceed talk about one specific case of wiretapping. Then you jump to the evils of capitalism and that there will be some kind of revolution which you call evolution which doesn't make much sense as evolution is a biological term.

I think you haven't quite grasped the entirety of the subject.
The wiretapping case is plainly legal rights, the "evil capitalism" is about plain human rights, I don't know where you see something about a revolution... But evolution is not only biological, it's as much about biology as it is about customs, ideas, and perception of our world. We physically evolve, our brains physically evolve depending on our environment, therefore its "content" evolve with it.
When we talk about evolution you probably picture the famous pic of the Walk of evolution, but it's infinitely deeper and more complex than just physical changes. Our society, conceptions and customs evolve with us, and we're actually being held back by some absurd un-natural system.

Also man-made economic crashes lol.
Yay for conspiracy nuts.
The crashes are not planned by a rich elite or something.

Economy is man made, the system is man made, money flux are man made, values on ressources are decided by men, disturbances in the economy (crashes) leading to changes in concerned countries are man planned. Crashes happen regulary, it's the point of the system, central banks create money and lend it to countries with an interest, countries will never be able to pay their loan back > crashes. (I'm oversimplifying but that's it)

You're not getting it, it's not about conspiracy, it's about context and environment in which we evolve. It's not about some secret group aiming to rule the world, that's non-sense, and even if some crazy people were trying, they're nothing against the mass that is the rest of the specy.
It's about greed, lust for power and losing touch with what we are. It's about what the actual system does to us, because anyone accessing the "high sphere" of decision-makers would lose touch with reality, because his daily busy-life concerns are not the same than the rest of the "lesser people". And if you think "decision-makers" are good people working for the general well-being and never keep secrets, you're very naïve.
Last edited by deprav; Jun 14, 2013 at 01:40 PM.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Lel, you were arguing the exact opposite on the CISPA thread, something along the line of "governments don't lie" and their laws and bills about the internet are only to protect the citizens against cyber-threats... you wanted a proof ;o
Not much we can do about it if we ain't doing anything that's for sure.

lolno. I was arguing that not every bill regarding the internet is malicious, and that the particular bill in question had none of the language or clauses that could make it so.

As proven by that thread, no one who was against it had even read the bill!
If people can't find information and think for themselves, that's a huge problem. Some of them seriously made up their minds after seeing the forum banner!
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I have none, I'm pretty sceptical about half he said (aliens being presently held prisonner and working with US gov 'n shit), the important point is how plausible it sounds for a human brain (not likely, but plausible), because if the human race had any contact with ET life with a superior technology, it would more likely be held secret for economical reasons (& religious reasons)
Plus if you want proof, we are a living proof ;p We went to space and, in the absolute, we aren't particullary smart : 80% of the people watch dumbshit on TV to rest their brain from an exhausting shitty job. If only a few of us can make us go to space, I guess some more evolved specie somewhere in the overwhelmingly huge universe might have stopped over our planet. I've never seen any, but that surely doesn't sound impossible.
+ I don't think that's something we can provide proofs for : witnesses are called nutjob, pics and vidz makes people sceptical because we can photoshop anything, or give some other rational explanations. If someone ever meet an actual alien, shakes his hand in front of a camera, people would call it special FX and stay in denial xD
So yeah, the only proof we could ever provide is ourselves, coupled with logic and probability applied on the scale of the universe.

If someone actually had proof, it would be very easy to expose and spread it.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
We already had this (pretty long) discussion once. Any economic system will have influence on our social behaviour, our relation with "possession" and our political ideas in general.
The actual one is just enlarging the gap (between rich & poor) and becomes unbearable for the largest part of the population, ecologically dangerous, and starts to look like a totalitarian drift. Because people holding the money see the average joe is now able to educate himself, they're scared.
As we said in our long discussion about economics, it's no longer a science aiming to study human's exchange of good(needs) and currency, it's a tool which aims to exploit the weakness of the actual "closed system" for the profit of a few.

I don't think that's true at all. If the average joe becomes educated, that is good for everyone. Exactly who is scared?
I think most people profit from the economy. Hell, my parents have a nice house and food on the table. Are they "the few"?

Some people make more money than others, people do different work, people work differently, people have different situations.
Even in USA the mean income is still way above mean rent+consumables.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Yep, it SHOULD be a natural and logical rule. But not in a world wide system preaching self-enrichment at the expense of others. Our whole system is based on individualism over general well-being, therefore people growing in this environment will think according to it. I'm pretty sure most of us never considered the golden rule, they probably heard it when they were kidz, and forgot about it...

I don't think such system exists.
Someone in power works for his own income just like your parents do when they go to work.
That's what nature tought us and that's how it will be. If you want to create an artificial system that bends the rules of nature by providing everyone with the same chances/power/ressources and whatnot you are more than welcome to do that.
Communism failed very hard at that so I guess before proposing that we need to “evolve” you'll need a good proposition, not some empty phrases.

Also, I see you made up your own definition of evolution. It has nothing to do with philosophy so I suggest you try and find an alternative word.
Evolution is a change of traits and inherited characteristics of a population of organisms. I googled for a while and didn't find any other definition. Only other thing it comes up with is social darwinism and this: Prior to the second half of the nineteenth century, the term was used primarily, if not exclusively, in an embryological sense to designate the development of the individual embryo.
I suggest revolution. xd

Capitalism is pretty much the only system that works nice and proper so… yeah… suggest an alternative and prove that it's efficient.
Last edited by saahsaap; Jun 14, 2013 at 07:16 AM.
Evolution doesn't have to indefinitely mean the advancement of biological-based traits, it's perfectly reasonable to use the term 'evolution,' while referring to how the world's people conduct themselves.

Hell, if you're going to use Google to define a word for you, at least give it some thought.
wow, using the searchbar as source… that sure is more credible than stanfort, wikipedia and other educational websites.

edit: I correct myself and call myself an idiot. xd
Last edited by saahsaap; Jun 14, 2013 at 09:42 AM.
Originally Posted by saahsaap
I googled for a while and didn't find any other definition.
-Evolution is a change of traits and inherited characteristics of a population of organisms.
-Only other thing it comes up with is social darwinism and this: Prior to the second half of the nineteenth century, the term was used primarily, if not exclusively, in an embryological sense to designate the development of the individual embryo.

