I can't give you a present because I'm too busy being self-absorbed with my own birthday in two days.

Which I get to celebrate alone ._.

In the middle of nowhere ;_;

With absolutely no presents T.T

Fuck, birthdays are depressing.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Well then, call your parents and tell them to give you cool things!! Or maybe i'll make something maybe. Maybe. Maaaaaaaaybe. Maybe?

i mean it's not like i have a lot to give

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I can't give you a present because I'm too busy being self-absorbed with my own birthday in two days.

Which I get to celebrate alone ._.

In the middle of nowhere ;_;

With absolutely no presents T.T

Fuck, birthdays are depressing.

I'm usually lucky enough to not get birthday parties either, so I feel your pain. Last year I went out with my sister and her *not* boyfriend to get some pizza, so at least there was that.
I came here to laugh at you
Parties? Pfft, i just need to relax after those excursions. :U
I got a 32 GB USB pen though, which is lovely, and a repaired pair of slippers, which is also lovely. Will get shoes later, and also got a watch for use in less formal places, so yeah. Oh, and my fellow geodudes surprised me with cake on the last day of the excursion (read: my birthday), which was totally unexpected and also really nice. c:

also my back still hurts skjdfhkjsdhfkjhs
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol