What gender are you: gots a pee.
Do you understand how to work an oven: yes, buttons and heat... beep beep.
If you have an exceptionaly delectable cookie recipe that you think we may find useful please explain the ingredients and cooking process: if you put lemon juice and sugar into a glass of water, you get a delightful cookie i call lemonadedrinkcookie.
What merit badges have you attained so far and what merit badges do you plan on working for: attained - whiter than most of my friends in terms of skin tone badge, buttertits, badge -- The Movie and doesn't use the Oxford comma badge. working for - mosqueets killer and the coochie mama delux badge.
Is it dobbys fault: im sorry dobby I never wanted it to come to this :(
Do you have any special expertise such as braiding hair, baking or sowing: i bake :)
Rewrite Abraham Lincolns famous speach as a incredibly descriptive recipe to bake our world renowned Wood Elf™ cookies: how to rewrite famous peach (im assuming you had a typo and you meant peach). or shall i make peach cookies?
Why the fuck do you want to join a cookie-themed clan anyway: because i think you dawgs are nice friendly folk.