Original Post
[S] Amazing detalized "raised gladiator" set.
Once uppon a time... Oh, just look at this amazing high detalized(also high quallity) set. Not everyone can afford deffence of platinum and gladiator's powers.
Size: 512x512
Recolor: 50k.
Artist: X-ray
Price range 100-250k.
Tc as payment.
Tip: Screenshots uploading automaticly.
/offtopic fuck you

Eddy Moderated Message:
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Last edited by Eddy; Jun 28, 2013 at 11:47 PM.
It's a legit offer. I see way more detailed sets on a daily that are 40k-90k. You are asking 100k-200k. Sorry but I think no one will buy THIS set for anywhere near that much....
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
Leave this. I don't need like 5-10k offers. I'ts really amazing set, so not everyone can made so. Just go away from here.
most of it is sand. The mask is the best part, rest of it isn't really great. 9k.
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.