Here's mine, most likely I'll miss at least one:
SPEED (I don't think this was ever real actually, I was recruited ingame)
Valor (R.I.P ;-;)
These aren't necessarily in order, my memory fails me.
Lost - don't know why i joined. i guess i wanted a tag.
Ultimate - Cool people where in this clan. then people that i didn't know started joining and stuff. and hobo was begging me to join rust. this was my only serious clan.
Rust - horrible s:
Family - <3
daf, omega (rip), f-k (rip), pigeonhive (rip), fish (rip), one (rip), syn, revenge, fish (rip), tone, #h (rip), fresh (rip), fish (rip), valor (rip), fish (rip), family
no regrets
~ [Fa]mily~
"You may have Downs, but you get me up." - Hucota7