Original Post
How do I change my skin?
The title says it all, I don't want the normal bland skin, and I can never seem to get the actual thing to work, I have tried changing my skin to Oracle's and Oblivion's but it never works.
If you want to do such, use /lp 0 oracle and /lp 0 oblivion

Or if you mean your own, you need to buy it and activate them.
You can't use others' textures, you have to have them custom made or buy a set through the forums. If you're lucky and know an artist they'll may give it to you cheap or even better yet, free!
Necro bump. Post a new thread instead of reviving this one from 2013.

To answer your question, go to the market, buy the items, then, upload the images.

Twilight Moderated Message:
Don't backseat moderate please.
Last edited by Foxy; Apr 18, 2014 at 08:14 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
-Link, don't backseat moderate please. Next time just send me a PM and I'll take care of it.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.