Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S]Toricredits Shop
Hello everyone!
I am selling toricredits for fair and honest rates via PayPal USD.
I am PayPal verified, with a connected bank account and everything.

Current stock

100k / 11$
If you buy more 300k(rate:400k / 43$ )
Buying more than 300K I give a gift(Random item)


PM`ed me


If you wish to purchase toricredits, post here or send me a PM saying you wish to purchase toricredits for the rate stated.
You must pay fees.
You must go first.
We must come to agreement before you send. If you send me money without saying what you wanted I would have no idea who it was from,
Once we came to an agreement, please post here or reply to the PMs once you sent the money.
When sending PayPal money, please paste this phrase in the description:
"I am transfering this currency in exchange for virtual currency (toricredits) available for the online game Toribash. I hereby agree not to charge back or report this transaction."

Thank you for visiting my shop!
Enjoy and have a good day!
Respect to ~ Brigada