Original Post
FNugget's Beliefs
Rules: FNugget must be allowed 1 post per page. That means for example, you all can only go up to post 19, then you have to wait for me.

The logic that created my belief: A lot of people believe that there is an all powerful deity who many call God, so that is what I will use. A lot of people believe in science, things like the third law of thermo where energy in not destroyed or created, but conserved through transformation. I know that's not hard fact, but I have a way to console the two. The definition of a universe is a container which includes all energy that exists. This flies in the face of God, as if God was all powerful, the universe ought not to be bigger than Him (I'm not sexist, it's just how many refer to God). Also, God cannot exist outside the universe, as that breaks science. Therefore, the only way both beliefs can exist is that the two are equivalent.

That's right, God is the universe and vice versa. So what does that do? A lot. For one, that means we humans are a small part of All, the term I will use to refer to God/Universe. Perhaps that explains why God is often referred to as father. What about morals? One part of All ought to not harm another part of All. It's basic survival. The origin of All? Not sure, but I'll elude to the big bang. At some point in time, All was contained within a singularity. You, me, and everything else was once the same, until we were flung apart physically. This also plays to morals as a reason everyone should respect one another.

Hmm, I'm all out of thoughts to tell you all right now, so discuss, argue against, or ask me a question and I will answer. Just remember that rule about posts and leave me room to respond, so this train doesn't go everywhere. Also please keep opinions to other replies to a minimum.
Uhh, wuts your point? I think it's a problem with either my ability to use the english language effectively, or the english language itself. Maybe both.
Athiests believe in no deities. Hard to define a deity. And it's not really like nature worship either, as the basis doesn't require any worshiping. Maybe a little acknowledgment, that's all.

Also, someone mentioned this:
All does not have a single mind. Well, not unless you consider everyone doing their own thing as one.

Who the heck gave the christian God emotions? They suck.
Last edited by FNugget; Sep 10, 2008 at 02:38 AM.
Religion topics are very fragile. I'll be watching them closely.
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
If I get you right, you state that God was some sort of Energy? Why would that have to be?
I use God in the following just as a synonym of some sort of deity or supernatural existence or stuff, this is only why i accept something like this. What nature it is of, is another point.

I cant tell what God is or what he is made of. I mostly understand it in the way C.S. Lewis described it much better than I ever could but the basic idea is to approach over moral and ethics. There is some sort of moral codex. Something can be more ethic than other things. One could, like sort actions or even people by moral standards. I understand God to be somehow like the ultimate, infinite moral, more than anything else.

Ok to write this down would be hard enough in my own language, probably I got it awfully wrong now, but this is the basic of my beliefs.
<Balrog> Sorry

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supernatural? Defying science? In any case, you are separating yourself away from God. When you think of something like "God saves you", I think most people think that means some unseen spiritual force is going to act. However with my belief, it would end up being that you save yourself through your awareness of the nature of existence.
Where is this coming from? Some people argue that Hell is not some fiery place with red dudes with tridents, but rather the furthest separation you can be away from God. Hell = Godlessness. Obviously in my system that's quite impossible physically, but the awareness of that physical link is what really makes things work.

In other news, bless wikipedia. I think this is almost spot on...

...some pantheists hold that the pantheist viewpoint is the most ethical viewpoint, pointing out that any harm done to another is doing harm to oneself because what harms one harms all. What is good and evil isn't the mandate of something outside of us, but as a result of the way we are all interconnected. Instead of good choices being based on fear of divine punishment, it comes from a mutual respect from all things ... [and] an awareness of mutual interrelation.
Last edited by FNugget; Sep 10, 2008 at 10:30 PM.
So by your logic, our actions would affect a person on the other side of the globe indirectly in some ornate manner of knock-on effects because you hold the belief that a force which shall not be named(see how I avoided saying God) manipulated you into a series chain reactions. Which loops us us back to the God question.

Religion has no doubt in god on how he created the Universe. They even support the Big Bang theory. What they say is that there was a long chain of events that eventually led to the creation of the Universe. Although defying science seems a little rash.

God being the first action to take place.
So it's like-

God does something ---> x happens(y number of times) ---> creation of Universe.

Besides, when many peole claim to be aithest's. I think what they are trying to say is they are open to the ideas of any relegion yet unconvinced by them.
Last edited by OldBean; Sep 10, 2008 at 10:48 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win
wut? I don't see where you pulled that out of my post.
You also are using a deity that is separate. That this deity manipulates people. There doesn't need to be manipulation if they aren't separate. Not sure about predestination.

I say it defies science because how can God make the universe if the universe is all that exists?
you yourself said the universe contains all energy (and therefore materia) but i doubt god to be part of our physical universe. Nothing physical could ever create everything physical there're your right but i dont think god should be understood so narrow-minded. Im sure he exists out of time and space, we just cant imagine hes nature. The very same way we cant imagine the nature of a 4th dimension. We just cant visualize how it looks due to our one 3d nature. And god as i understand isnt even part of the multiverse that contains everything in all dimmensions. Meaning hes just different than the multiverse, i neither want to say the multiverse is in god, he just cant be described within it.
<Balrog> Sorry

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