Original Post
indeed, because of clan ranking, every clan tried to be best, thus making them more active both forum and ingame

but also, i do not know why it were removed in the first place, there might be deeper meaning for it, so i can't say if i support this yet
I think it is undergoing changes like the tourney,it was nice having a clan ranking,gave clans a goal.
Are you living the life you really want?
Originally Posted by jinmaster View Post
I think it is undergoing changes like the tourney,it was nice having a clan ranking,gave clans a goal.

That is an advantage of it. Many disadvantages are included as well, such as being competitive and hating on other clans because of the rankings etc. Anyway, I personally won't support this as I don't think this will work out as expected.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
indeed it was funny to see your clan win some rank and become more and more influent ^^
but if they removed it it's maybe for a good reason. Maybe the system was not really perfect. for a example i totally ignore how clans win clan points etc. it was maybe unfair for some clans with no many members etc.
we should ask hero about that.
French Froggy