View Poll Results: What should be the next replay?
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Original Post
(CK) ComboKillers
Are you ready to actually do something with your sparring skills? Are you willing to put your rank, your tc and even the win on the line to get the perfect replay?
Do you have video, photo editing skills tc to spend, tons of forces, textures and other items? Then step up to the plate and see how boss you really are.
Here at OnlyPr0 we do themed toribash videos just cause we can
(We're awesome like that) And just because we are so awesome all tc surpluses go straight to the bank in which members are actually

So the question remains, are you ready? Reply in the comment section please state your highest belt, pr0 level 1 - 10, any video/picture editing abilities sparing, and skype ability to run and improvise (yes/no) and willingness to make replays(1-10) - (Op)Bossbrick

Last edited by bossbrick; Aug 27, 2013 at 04:03 AM.
My name Rafael, i'm 15 years old i LOVE sparing, my only problem is finding people who to spar with, and i'm always up for it. i'm a 2nd dan belt, i've always wonted to do sparing videos and i dont have editing skills, yet, because i think i will learn some this year at school (i'm in a multimedia course). I hope u liked me if i have to say anything more just tell me :x

ps: in that spar i just sent i'm uke, because i made a lil change and that happened, but i can send the original if u wont
I want to join OP
highest belt: Black.
pr0 level 1 - 10: 6.476.
any video/picture editing abilities sparing: down there
and skype: minalejandro

These replays are at the replays section too
Attached Files
Zaik Kick.rpl (27.6 KB, 4 views)
The Demon Fight.rpl (230.3 KB, 3 views)
overdriven kick.rpl (27.6 KB, 4 views)
Round kick + Impulse.rpl (52.4 KB, 5 views)
Runkido Rampage.rpl (271.9 KB, 4 views)
UPDATE, WE NEED MOD MAKERS. They shall receive SPECIAL BONUSES. If you are a mod maker looking to get your mods publicized, then OnlyPr0 is for you.

We make Custom replays. Submitting your spar replays don't help much. if you wish to have us make a creative video then Please contact me. I will poll it on the forum.
Last edited by bossbrick; Aug 27, 2013 at 07:25 AM.
some say i built the great brick wall... some say i invented the term boss... some say the sky will never turn green...