5k head texture request?!
ok people i have something for you toribashians <----- o_O
i am willing to pay 4k for the best head texture posted and shown!
yea i will buy it......
EDIT INCOMING!!!!! i have no need for a 1k so i will bounce all head types that i will buy to a price of 5k!!! holy llama droppings!!!! SO 5k FOR THE BEST HEAD NO MATTER WHAT!
Ok what i am looking for is kinda emo wavey hair kinda evil eyes and a smirk mouth, you get what i am asking for?
and if you decide to think (gee another emo hair thingy? im sick of people wanting this stuff) then make up something good, prove me wrong emo is the best! 5k for the best non emo head texture!
okay, you must show a picture of it (can be globe thing off gimp or a screen shot, what ever suits you more) BTW if it's a screen shot i need back and front!
good luck fellow (retards!) i mean toribash players....
EDIT : BTW guys send it by PM to me once i buy it as a PNG or JPEG picture/file so i can then upload it as my head through the website
Last edited by TNT; Sep 19, 2008 at 11:29 AM.
Reason: i wanted to change prices!