Christmas Lottery
Age: 22

Belt/Qi (User Card):

Past Clans: Fyre was my first clan, they had too many members and I felt pretty left out I assumed every clan was like a family so I left. Probably a bit premature of me but it was my first.

My second was Tea, which shortly after I joined our leader was banned which resulted in the disbandment of thh clan.
The third was fantasy, which was sadly a scam. The leader Simon closed the clan after we acquired the 50k that was required for application to become official and made off with it.
My fourth clan was Phantom. Of which I was a member for about 6 months before becoming leader, we sadly we died after a year and some odd months run from severe inactivity.

My most previous clans were inquisition and pleblords, both of which were results of me being force added as a prank.

Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): I'm not really talented in any particular field. I've entered in a couple writing competitions but that depends on the person reading it.

Infraction History: I have one useless post, and one for insulting another member which was reversed.

A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): I'm from Texas, 22 years old, anime fan, gamer, favorite color is green. / I'd like to join because this clan has been around for years and that is a big indicator of structure and brotherhood. I don't know any of the members very well but I hope to if given the chance.

My application is supported by CW member: Powas is alright with me applying

Replays: Post here at least 3 replays : I apologize in advance for these.
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Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos