Some interesting stuff (for geeks like me):

So, I was looking through Internet for some things about card and board games and I found this:


It is a freeware program in which you can play single player (solitaire mod) and online (with chat and stuff) every popular card or board game (like Magic the Gathering, LOTR card game, and other similar games), with dice, board sets, turns, tokens, phases, everything.

What is interesting is that you can use plugins for it with all those popular games (so you get card decks and all of that stuff), but what is most important YOU CAN MAKE PLUGINS OF YOUR OWN. With your cards and sets, boards, dices, EVERYTHING!

And then play it online.

Very interesting since I can make Wushu Masters like a standard plugin, put it in the dropbox like a URL. So, ppl just dl LackeyCCG and dl my plugin then play it online!