Original Post
Announcements Thread.
Ok, to stop spam and un-needed threads/posts, this thread will be used as the resignation or name change thread. If you are changing your name, post here. Resigning, post here. NO EXCEPTIONS.

To get the ball rolling, i am considering changing my name to my alias, Jimmy Cheese. To keep ofPhridge in memory, Phridge or Phridgey will be placed in my tag.

EDIT- Now to add when you know you will be becoming less active, add to this thread, do not make another
Last edited by ofPhridge; Nov 19, 2008 at 12:32 PM.
Clan Sigma Council
BnW Member
Stuck,i want no posting in here saying whether this is a good or bad idea,it has to be done. Any post in here with no relevance to leaving or name changing shall be deleted as soon as i see it.
Edit: Yeah, it did and so did that one, oG :P
Editx2: Yes it is.
Editx3: Yes unless it is relevant like 1 and only 1 of your posts here, the topic about your posts being deleted is not relevant so don't post about it,im trying to keep this thread organized
Last edited by OfPhailure; Sep 26, 2008 at 01:18 PM.
Originally Posted by OfPhailure View Post
Stuck,i want no posting in here saying whether this is a good or bad idea,it has to be done. Any post in here with no relevance to leaving or name changing shall be deleted as soon as i see it.
Edit: Yeah, it did and so did that one, oG :P
Editx2: Yes it is.
Deitx3: Yes unless it is relevant like 1 and only 1 of your posts here, the topic about your posts being deleted is not relevant so don't post about it,im trying to keep this thread organized

Lawl, you spelt edit wrong
I'm sorry to say I am resigning. It was fun while I was here (although it wasn't very long) but Phantom just isn't quite what I was looking for. I hope you guys keep on succeeding and get better and better.

Hope there's no hard feelings or anything :/

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
Originally Posted by OfPhailure View Post
Seeya man good luck with whatever you do it was great having you here :P

What he said. Good Luck. (delete?)
Guys i might be getting banned soon someone has been fucking with my account and has majorly scammed somone called cookishman i think.

tbh i dont see why they just dont trace the last ip to log on to his account that wasnt his but yea just a warnin just incase
I'm gonna stop owning you guys for a month or two so enjoy it while it lasts ;P I'm kinda getting bored of the game, you know? Think I need a breather. I may still be active in the forums, so notify me when the ClanBrawl's up, 'cuz there's no way in hell I'm missing that one. Don't kick me, 'kay? Also, Kannibul, since I'm active in the forums, I will still rent that Shaman Force. I'll return it to you soon, maybe in a week or two.

If you didn't the crap I wrote, nope I'm not leaving. Too bad, eh? :P
Last edited by Geast; Oct 14, 2008 at 04:37 PM.