: " Hello , this is Savage Recruitment Thread , follow the rules before posting here"
Savage Recruitment Thread Rules code:
- Do Not Spam
- No Insulting or Swearing
- You can Apply, Fill the form
- Fill the application with the right format
- No Begging
- Don't get off-topic
We're Interested to Recruit code:
- An Excellent In-game person
- Friendly and kind person
- Active and Useful member
- Decent art skill
- Cool video maker
- Good Marketeer
- Decent Social skill
- Always obey the rules
- Loyal to Savage
- Great Donator
- Non Spammer
- Non Scammer / Liar
Check your name here , Did you pass ?
Member that need to Take Test code:
You need 3 Yes to join
Member that being Discussed code:
: " I want to Join Savage ! "
: " Well you're in the right place my friend ! "
: " What should I do to be a part of Savage ? "
: " Fill this application Form "
Application Form code:
: " Finished "
: " Well , this isn't right"
: " Whats wrong ? "
: " You require something to join Savage "
: " Ok , what do I need to Join Savage ? "
Requirements code:
- Be atleast green belt
- Active on Forum and Irc
- Speak decent English
- Put some effort
: " Oh Well "
: " So , sorry , you cannot join "
: " Could I come back if I have met the requirement ? "
: " Of course "
-1 week later-
: " Hi , I came back as I said last week "
: " Great job Faridz ! Fill the application form again "
: " Here you Go ! "
" Ok , good "
: " What should I do next "
: " You could ask for a test to these people "
: " What kind of test ? "
: " Simple In-Game Battle "
: " What kind of Mod for the test ? "
: " 3 Mod , you can choose though "
- 1 Hours later -
: " I took the test and they said I pass, What should I do next ? "
: " If your name show up on the discuss list , that mean you're being discussed "
: " How long this process gonna take ? "
: " About two or three days , Be Patient, You could PM Savage Leader if you're curious"
: " Okay, you're gonna Pm me the Result ? "
: " Yes "
- 3 Days Later -
: " Hi, Am I accepted ? I've got the message and come here to Confirm "
: " Yes You're in, Congratulations Faridz "
: " Awesome, you're gonna sent the invite ? "
: " User Invited "
: " I Accept the Invite "
: " Congratulations , now you're an official Savage member "
: " Great, where should I go next ? "
: " Go To
Savage Discussion thread , you're welcomed there, But first, Check your name on the
Clan Tab "
Last edited by Sirss; Oct 12, 2013 at 08:47 PM.