Original Post
[Tex] New head
well, here it is:


Yes. its finished. finally!

I spent a hella long time on this

So cnc should be fun. c:
Last edited by Miku; Oct 14, 2013 at 08:23 PM.
Looks really blurry, there's no real focal point (obviously the center, but my eyes don't focus on it). The center doesn't really stand out from everything else.
have you checked the mapping :3? unless this was the desired effect. also usually you want to push your details up a bit because nobody sees the bottom of your head and the neck joint will cover a lot of your hard work.



sphere edited

Thanks for the cnc. Sorry for hurting your eyes sly. Also chillz, that's what I was going for. Also its not actually ever going to be used. Its just for show. And imma be editing bits of it later on to make It a bit better. Adding a little color. Also its a robotic type thing. :P its what I was going for ;)
As i see it u used burn/dodge tool to make it, this is why it's so blurry.
Other then that i like, maybe try to bing the face into focus a little bit more. Good work
Pm me for deals
Thanks insanity. Also imma be working on it later.. so there should be an update picture. >.> W/ color.
It seems like Warcon's head with perfectum. Don't understand heads like this. Can you tell me what kind of idea in this head? As i see here is only random lines and spots.